The Womanifesto Way: Sydney Gathers at 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, explores the ethos of this women-centre arts collective through collaborative exchanges between Womanifesto artists based in Sydney, and by embarking on open process of visual and digital art-history making that reveals nearly three decades of collaborative reinvention. We hear from one of the founding members Phaptawan Suwannakudt who is curator and artist in The Womanifesto Way: Sydney Gathers and participating artist Sue Pedley. Damage is a recently released independent drama film by Madeleine Blackwell. Madeleine is an accomplished writer and director who works across a range of theatre and screen projects. The drama is an expression of the importance of humanity and hope in a world where war is becoming the norm and fear of the refugee a symptom. It features the filmmakers mother who recently passed away following the film’s release, and Ali AI Jenabi, who was the subject of the book The People Smuggler written by Robin De Crespigny of 2012. The inaugural Collabor8Women Prize 2023. The finalists work are being presented at Ellipsis Gallery in Woolloomooloo, in an exhibition titled Connected. Karen Eck, PR consultancy eckfactor, and Gallerist and artist Mark Wotherspoon talk us through what it’s all about.
Produced and presented by Angela Stretch, from GADIGAL country, we acknowledge First Nations peoples as the sovereign custodians of Country, and pay respect to Elders of past, present and to future generations. We acknowledge and value the distinct culture, customs and practices present in the many and diverse tribal nations across NSW.
Fleurette Africaine by Dave Easley (int)
Release: Ballads
Joy is not meant to be a crumb by Bex Burch (int)
Release: There is only love and fear
STORY: Collabor8Women Prize 2023 by INTERVIEW: Karen Eck, Eckfactor PR Consultancy and Mark Wotherspoon, Gallerist of Ellipsis Gallery – (loc)
Release: EXHIBITION: Connected – December 2023, Open when the Restaurant, VIAND is open
Joyful Noise by Atlantis Jazz Ensemble (int)
Release: Celestial Suite
Bitter Fruit by Gary Corben (int)
Release: Bitter Fruit EP
STORY: The Womanifesto Way: Sydney Gathers - by ARTISTS: Phaptwawan Suwannakudt and Sue Pedley (loc)
Release: EXHIBITION: – 17 December – 4a Centre for Contemporary Asian Art –
Free Trial by Gerald Bailey (int)
Release: Migration Climate
Sunset by Resavoir (int)
Release: Resavoir
Smash ‘n’ Grab by Zaimie (int)
Release: Fortuitous
STORY: Damage – Independent Feature Film by FILM BY: Madeleine Blackwell (loc)
Release: CINEMA SCREENINGS: Ritz Cinemas and United Cinemas –
FRAGILE by Moses Yoofee Trio (int)
Release: OCEAN
Equanimity by Ancient Infinity Orchestra (int)
Release: River of Light